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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a read-only version of the Guidelines?

FGI provides limited, free access to the Guidelines documents with an account. This complimentary use is limited to 10 pages, 3 times per month.

How do I submit a purchase order?  

Shop as you normally would on our website shop.fgiguidelines.org, placing everything you need in your cart, then click the Checkout button. 

The checkout page has a toggle specifically for Purchase Orders. Turn this function on and fill out the information requested. If no PO# has been assigned yet, type in TBD and you can send the number to sales@fgiguidelines when you have it.  

Once you hit Submit, the order will be reviewed and an invoice will be emailed to you.  

Here is an example of what the purchase order toggle looks like during the checkout process: 


The remittance address  

Facility Guidelines Institute 
PO Box 60628 
Florence, MA 01062-0601 

This address can also be found on the invoice. 

If there is any vendor paperwork your organization needs, please feel free to email the request to sales@fgiguidelines.org, and we'll get that taken care of for you

How do I submit for tax-exempt status?  

Shop as you normally would on our website shop.fgiguidelines.org, placing everything you need in your cart, then click the Checkout button. 

The checkout page has a toggle specifically for Tax-Exempt Orders. Once you have turned this on, add the Tax ID and upload a PDF of the certificate. 

The order will be reviewed, and we’ll reach out if we have any questions. 

Here is an example of what the Tax-Exempt toggle looks like during the checkout process: 

If there is any vendor paperwork your organization needs, please feel free to email the request to sales@fgiguidelines.org, and we'll get that taken care of for you. 

​​​​​How does pricing for a multiple-user license work? 

With the multiple-user license, you purchase the number of simultaneous users you wish to provide access for. You can give access to as many people as you wish but only pay for the number of people who need access at the same time; this is the primary benefit of having a multiple-user license. 

Using the 2022 edition pricing as an example, if you'd like three people to be able to access a document at the same time the price would be (3 X $65) + $170 flat fee = $365 annual subscription.  

The account administrator can delegate access to the Guidelines to particular users and can monitor active use. This is helpful if someone who is logged in goes home sick without logging out or gets tied up in an extended meeting. The administrator can log that person out so others can gain access.  

To invite users, the administrator adds each person’s email address to the setup of the group. At this time, each user is assigned to be an administrator or a viewer. Once an individual has been added, they will receive an invitation with instructions and two buttons—one to create an account if they don’t have one already and the second to accept the invitation to join the group. 

If you have more email addresses than you have time to add, you are welcome to contact us to add them for you. These individuals will all be added as viewers; you can make someone an administrator later if you wish.   

As for the documents themselves, the digital license allows each user to have their own login and to interact with the Guidelines using such features as bookmarking, note-taking, highlighting, and searching. When an erratum, interpretation, or application guidance has been issued, that information can be found directly in the affected section via tabs at the top of the page, so you no longer have to worry about having the most recent updates. 

How does a multiple-user license access work?  

  • The owner/administrator is able to see who is in what book and has the ability to log individuals out if need be (e.g., if someone is stuck in a meeting, at lunch, gone for the day, etc.) 

  • If all licenses are in use, someone trying to log in will receive an alert as will the administrator. The secondary email is sent to the administrator so you can monitor use and possibly adjust the number of licenses available if this happens too often. 

  • After someone has been in a book for an hour, they will get an alert asking if they are still using it. If they do not respond, they will be logged out.  

  • If the browser or tab where the Guidelines document appears is closed, the user will be logged out 

  • Some user etiquette may be needed, but if an individual really needs to get into a document they can contact the administrator to find out who is in the book. Then either the user needing access or the administrator can contact the other user and ask them to log out. 

Why can’t we share a single-user license? 

The single-user subscription is attached to one person's login information. 

The multiple-user subscription shares the same document(s) with an infinite number of users but each user’s private notes, bookmarks, highlights, etc., are specific to their login. Each user feels the book is theirs, even though it is shared.  

When the login information for a single user is shared, private notes, bookmarks, and highlights can become muddled. As well, users can be in the document at the same time without knowing it. This can lead to pages not behaving as expected and notes, highlights, and bookmarks not being saved. 

How to set up IP Authentication?

IP Authentication is a new add-on service offered by the Facility Guidelines Institute to simplify an organization’s access to the digital version of the Guidelines. 

The service can be purchased by clicking here to go directly to the product page. 

Once purchased, navigate back to your Dashboard, and complete the following steps: 

> Click Account Management. 

> Click IP Management. 

> Add your IP address range. If you don’t know what your organization’s IP addresses are, we suggest contacting your IT department to help you. 

Once the address range has been added, you are free to share the link shop.fgiguidelines.org within your organization. When a user wants to access the Guidelines, they will be brought directly to your organization's group. 


  • IP Authentication does not support Single-User Subscriptions.  

  • Any notetaking, bookmarking, or highlighting by a user will be erased after the team member logs out of the document. 

  • Administrators will not know by name who is using a Guidelines document. 

How do I add people to my group? 

TIP: Before you begin we strongly advise you to have your IT department put the
no-reply@fgiguidelines.org email address on your company's "Safe" list. This way the staff is sure to get your invitation.

Once logged in, choose the group you’d like to add people to. You will know it has been selected when it is outlined in red. 

> Then select Account Management and User Groups. 

> From there, select Setup, add the individual’s email address and role, and click Add. 

Once you hit Add, an invitation will be emailed to the added person with instructions to set up an account and accept your invitation. 

If you want to add more than a handful of emails, you are welcome to reach out to sales@fgiguidelines.org and we can help you by uploading an Excel list of those addresses.  

How do I access my digital product?

Once the digital product has been purchased, you’ll receive a confirmation email linked directly to your online account. You can access your account using the link in this email, or you can go to shop.fgiguidelines.org and log into the account in the upper right-hand corner. 

Once you are logged in: 

> Click the Dashboard tab at the top of the page. 

> Click Purchased Guidelines. 

> Choose the year and then the Guidelines document you want to access. 

Who do I contact to set FGI up as a vendor? 

Send all vendor requests, including but not limited to the following, to sales@fgiguidelines.org

  • W-9 request 

  • Organization forms 

  • ACH and banking information 

  • Vendor portal requests 

  • Product Exclusive seller letter 

  • FGI contact information 

  • Remittance address 

  • Sam.gov information 

Your request will be processed and returned in a timely manner. 

How do I cancel an order or change payment method? 

Go to shop.fgiguidelines.org and log into the account in the upper right-hand corner. 

Once you are logged in: 

> Click the Dashboard tab at the top of the page. 

> Click on the group in which the order was purchased. 

> Click Manage Account. 

> Click Current Subscriptions. 

> Click the red Stripe Billing Portal link. 

You are now in your billing portal. 

> Choose either update payment method or cancel the plan. 

To go back to the Digital Library, click your browser’s back arrow.  

EDAC Study Guides FAQs

​​​​​​How much are the EDAC study guides? 

  • $96 each or $275 for the set. 

Do I need a subscription to all three study guides? 

  • All three guides are required to successfully pass the EDAC exam. 

How long is the subscription? 

  • 3 years. 

Can I subscribe to the study guides for only one year? 

  • No. 

Can the digital study guides be downloaded? 

  • No. 

Can I print pages of the study guides? 

  • Due to copyright infringement printing is not allowed. 

Can I highlight or take notes on the digital study guides? 

  • Yes. There is a Notes button and a highlight feature. 

Do I need to be online to access the study guides? 

  • Yes.  

Are the EDAC study guides available for site license subscription? 

  • At this time the study guides are available only as an individual single-user subscription. 

Are there hard copies of the study guides available? 

Are there additional study materials for the EDAC exam? 

I passed the EDAC exam / I no longer plan to take the EDAC exam. Can I transfer my subscription to my colleague? 

  • No, each person must have an individual, single-user subscription.